JB#58 The Door in the Floor (2004)

Starring: Jeff BridgesKim Basinger, and Jon Foster
Directed by Tod Williams

This movie follows a family struggling to deal with tragedy. And not always making the best choices in the process. I really liked this movie. It was interesting because the story is so dark and tragic, but then at time had me laughing out loud. And then you feel bad for laughing because of what the people are going through. Here is one of those laugh out loud moments:

Haha! I'm laughing again! "Love this song." Ha!

I thought that JB's performance was very layered. You could really see that he was dealing with tragedy and struggling with how to deal with it. At times, he would seem like a complete asshole. But there was always the feeling that underneath the hard exterior, there was a nice guy just wanting to do the right thing. A very complex performance I thought.

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